Professional Tax Defense

Are you a person of interest with the irs?
Get Help

Our Promise to You:

Return your call within 24 hours of initial contact

Tirelessly work your case to resolve your IRS problems

Always stay in contact with you so you always know the exact status of your case

A Proud Member Of

Tax Rep Network Gold Member
IRS Enrolled Agent
American Society of Tax Problem Solvers

Face your tax fears

We help you find the best
solution for your case

One thing that people fear most is having to talk to the IRS to try and resolve a tax problem. Apex Tax Defense, LLC professionals eliminate any fear or anxiety you might have about the tax relief process. Our team will represent and protect you in front of the IRS so you don’t have to be afraid anymore. We’ll work together to figure out an effective plan so you can get your finances back on track, without ever having to say a word to the IRS.

Every step of the way

Our team of professionals is there for you








Peace of Mind

Apex Tax Defense, LLC is committed to providing relief for businesses and individuals who are struggling with the IRS. We help clients resolve problems with delinquent taxes, bank levies, payroll tax issues, and more. Our team of professionals promises to keep you informed as a taxpayer and work to understand your unique case. That way, we can formulate the most effective solution and get to the bottom of your tax problems.

As Featured On

“Tax Killer TM” Michael Moran Shares Expertise

Michael Moran, known as the “Tax Killer,” has gained a reputation for his expertise in tax defense and for his success in dealing with the IRS. He has been interviewed on radio and television, where he has shared his knowledge and insights on how to navigate the complex and often intimidating world of taxes. With his proven track record of helping clients reduce their tax liabilities and avoid legal troubles, it’s no wonder why he’s considered one of the top tax defense experts in the industry.

As Featured On

Our Specialties

We Can Do It All When it comes to tax defense

  • Tax & IRS Problems
  • IRS Tax Account Monitoring Services
  • Offer in Compromise
  • Wage Garnishment Release
  • Bank Levy Release
  • Tax Lien Release
  • Currently Not Collectible
  • Instalment Agreements
  • Innocent Spouse Relief
  • Collection Appeal

and more…

A Few Nice Words

Some Testimonials from Our Clients

I had a payroll tax issue that unfortunately ballooned to over $245,000. Through Mike’s hard work and diligent efforts, Mike was able to negotiate a settlement of $18k. Very Happy!

Matt B.

We were pleased by the attention we received and the patience displayed by Mr. Moran and his firm. They always responded to our questions in a timely manner and made everything easy to understand.

Helen E.

I was audited two years in a row, assessed thousands in tax and penalties. Mike was able to get BOTH years to a ZERO balance! Thank you so much for your help!

Brian G.

Apex Tax Defense really saved me – I had $77,000+ of IRS tax/penalties/interest and they were able to work out an offer in compromise for $7500! What a relief to get this off my back! Highly recommend.

Mike R.